Wednesday 3 July 2013

Progressing with Mirrors

Hi guys it's us again. I know it's been two weeks since we've posted but we've both been really busy (especially with going to see Rocky Horror together in Manchester). We have, however, been learning lines so our beloved play hasn't gone unnoticed. 
Well, anyway...we had a proper rehearsal yesterday and made some really great decisions. We were initially a bit miffed as there were people in the drama studio at uni and the other room we love to work in was locked so we ended up in the performing arts studio...which ended up being the best thing ever. We decided that the space was more practical for the play plus we could stage the play in the round which, we felt, would add to the tension and allow us to make it more in-yer-face. This space, also, had a mirror all along one wall, which we thought would work nicely with the style of the piece. 
As well as having this revelation, we, also, re-blocked the ending to work in this space and have blocked the first page and a half. Additionally, we have set ourselves the deadline of having the whole play blocked by August 16th and that we need to be off script by the start of September...hopefully we meet these two. 
Hope all you lot are ok and are enjoying seeing our baby progress. 
Love you all
Holly and Kat

Monday 10 June 2013

Laughs and Chuckles

Hi everyone and here we are again after another rehearsal and today was rather excited as we started blocking the play...yay! We started at the end as I (Kat) am thinking of using this section for when I go to the Musical Theatre Audition Techniques course I've got booked. This section was relatively simple as it was quite straight compared to some sections that are very psychological which we can foresee will probably take a bit more planning and complex staging.
Well we won't say too much as otherwise there won't be any point in you coming to what else happened today? Well we shared a very nice mango and passion fruit smoothie from our uni coffee shop, Curiositea...see the pictures the below :) I know a smoothie seems a random thing to talk about but it was quite influential, especially as the straws proved that Kat was straight and Holly was bent :P. Oh and we had a few laughs over a joke from the Vicar of Dibley...What do Accountants do when they're constipated? Work it out with a pencil...well I (Holly) thought that it was pretty disgusting and that Kat's sense of humour is pretty warped :P.
And on that note we'll leave you with our pictures and then say goodbye.

Love you Lots
Kat and Holly

Thursday 6 June 2013

Making Progress and Food Love

Hi everyone, it's us again :) Well today we had another meeting and finally finished sorting out the script so all in all it was a very productive day. However, we're not going to tell you too much as we recorded part of our discussion today as we thought it would be interesting for you to listen in. So here you go...
We, also, had a really random discussion about which playwrights and which food they were most comparable with. We decided that:
  • Sarah Kane was like popcorn - addictive but we're not sure why.
  • Caryl Churchill is an old jam tart - we'd still eat it but it's not the first choice.
  • Jim Cartwright was an ice cream sundae - I (Holly) am just in love with him :)
  • Claire Dowie is like a KitKat - chocolate is everyone's cup of tea but there's that biscuity bit that just makes it a bit different.
  • Tanika Gupta was a pomegranate - lots of different bits encased under a shell to create a juicy and tangy whole.
  • Mark Ravenhill was marmite - you either love him or you hate him.
Like we said it was a very random discussion while working on the play and all started with Metcalfe's chocolate crackle flavour skinny topcorn...which is delicious by the way. We know this isn't technically about the play but we thought you may like to know it anyway.

So that's all we really have to say today. We hope you enjoyed this rather random post...see you soon.
Holly and Kat  

Tuesday 4 June 2013

1, 2, 3, hammer, hammer, hammer!

Hello everyone, we're back again and have just finished our second meeting. We have had a very productive day today and have only got three pages of the script left to sort out...after that all we need to do is learn it and stage it!!!
Today we wanted to show you a quick clip from the section we were sorting out's only in the early stages but it's definitely one of our favourite sections. We particularly like it because of the psychological feeling to it and the tension that builds throughout. So here you go...we'll let you have a listen and see what you think :)

It has, also turned out that Holly is being more of the schizophrenic 'imaginary friend', whereas Kat is being more the character. We feel that this is working well at the moment as it gives the feel that to the character the 'imaginary friend' is real and not just an 'imaginary friend'. This, to us, is important as it demonstrates that to people with mental illness sometimes the illogical and seem completely logical.

We hope you are enjoying our little diary about our journey from script to production. It would be amazing to know what you think either by commenting below or tweeting Kat at @GreenGirlsRox.  
Love you lots
Holly and Kat

Monday 3 June 2013

Let's Start at the Beginning...

Well hello everyone...and here we are at the start of a new adventure. We (Holly and Kat) seem to remember that on Kat's main blog, Stage Right, that she had mentioned that we were thinking of putting on a play called 'Adult Child / Dead Child' by Claire Dowie...well the news is that we've started. So that's the long and the short of it but what exactly is this new blog about. Well we thought it would be a good idea to keep a diary of our progress and thought that some of you may be interested to see what we were doing. So keep your eyes peeled for news, photos and clips from our rehearsals to see how just a script can turn into a fully fledged production.
If you want a bit more information on what 'Adult Child / Dead Child' is about please check out Kat's main blog about it by clicking here.
So what's happening now? Well, we held our first meeting a week last Tuesday and the main think that came out of this was that, even though the play is by Claire Dowie, we decided to take a rather Sarah Kane (most famously known for her plays 'Blasted' and '4.48 Psychosis') take on the play. This is because we really wanted to focus on the strong mental illness issue in the play and really try and get inside the head of the character and the heads of the audience.
Our other main decision at this stage was that, even though the play is written for one character, we are going to split the script between the two of us. We thought that by doing this it would show that mental illness can affect anyone, as well as emphasising the fact that Dowie created a non-specific character; it is not mentioned whether the character is male, female, short, tall, ginger, blonde, etc.
So far we have sorted out about three pages of the script and our favourite line at the moment is 'Blackmail, threats, treachery and hatred'...I have a feeling this line may have to occur a few more times during the play. And, so, before we leave you we'll post a few pictures from our first meeting.
The Two of Us - Kat (Left) and Holly (Right)
The Scripts...starting to look colourful :)
And now all that is left to say is we hope you enjoy coming on this journey with us...see you soon :)
Love you lots
Holly and Kat